Docket No. 3945 - Pawtucket Water Supply Board ("PWSB") - Rate application to implement new rates designed to collect additional revenues of $3,109,387 or 19% (filed March 28, 2008)

Status of Docket: Closed.

PUC issues Report & Order approving a Settlement Agreement in the case and authorizing Pawtucket Water Supply Board to collect additional revenues in the amount of $1,992,810 or 11% increase, for a total cost of service of $19,940,794. The new rates are to be effective October 1, 2008. Written Order issued June 19, 2009.

Procedural Schedule - Public comments hearing to be held o June 26, 2008 in Pawtucket City Hall, Pawtucket and evidentiary hearings commence on September 3, 2008 at PUC's office.

Notice of Public Hearings

PWSB's application incorporates the following testimony and exhibits:

Testimony of Division of Public Utilities & Carriers (the Advocacy):

Response to Data Requests: